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FDA 速報-2:FDA 2024年 4月 1日(月)より、治験報告 (IND study or IND-exempt BA/BE study) でも ICH E2B(R3) ICSR 電子報告での受理を開始FDA Breaking News-2: On April 1, 2024 (Mon), the FDA began accepting pre-marketing (IND study or IND-exempt BA/BE study) ADR reports on the ICH E2B (R3) ICSR electronic reports.
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今回は、FDA 治験(Premarketing Reporting (IND safety reports) using the E2B standard:)有害事象電子報告の ICH E2B(R3)での受領開始案内の情報提供です。
2024年4月 1日(月)から、治験におけるICSR ICH E2B(R3)での報告を受領を開始するとの発出がありました(内容は以下のFDAサイトをご参照ください)。
これでFDAでも、市販(Postmarketing Safety Reporting for human drug and biological products using the E2B standard:)の2024/1/16からの ICH E2B(R3)開始と合わせ、市販・治験の個別有害事象報告の E2B(R3)での受領が開始されました。
“In addition, on April 1, 2024, FDA began accepting electronic submissions of premarketing (IND study or IND-exempt BA/BE study) individual case safety reports (ICSRs) in electronic format using ICH E2B(R3) standard. The following timelines apply to companies submitting ICSRs electronically using database-to-database transmission (E2B).”
“Premarketing Reporting (IND safety reports) using the E2B standard:
- Submitters have until April 1, 2026, (24 months after publication of the final guidance for industry, Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format: IND Safety Reports) to comply with electronic submission requirements for IND safety reports under 21 CFR 312.32(c)(1)(i) for serious and unexpected suspected adverse reactions.
- As you prepare to submit ICSRs electronically during the voluntary submission period, sponsors may continue to submit a PDF copy of the Form FDA-3500A MedWatch form using the eCTD standard until April 1, 2026.”
Hirotsugu Atsumaru (Hiro)
HiroPharmaConsulting® Co., Ltd.
Representative Director
Email: hiro_atsumaru@hiropharmaconsulting.com
Mobile: +81-80-5699-3284 (080-5699-3284: Japan)