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FDA ICH E2B(R3) Regional Requirement Elements FDA ICH E2B(R2): Specifications for Preparing and Submitting Electronic ICSRs and ICSR Attachments v1.8 updated

FDA ICH E2B(R2) Regulation

FDA ICH E2B(R2): Specifications for Preparing and Submitting Electronic ICSRs and ICSR Attachments v1.8 updated

お客さま 各位

いつもお世話になっております。 「ヒロファーマコンサルティング®」 集 弘就(あつまる ひろつぐ)です。

FDA ICSR ICH E2B(R2) Reportingの続報です。IND and Post marketingの両方が対象です。


お客様がご利用中の PV System対応ベンダー様に、本件対応の状況と対応可能時期の確認をしていただければと思います。集 

Updates for Electronic Submission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) to FAERS

Premarketing Safety Reporting
Starting June 28, 2021, FDA will begin accepting electronic submissions for IND Safety Reports to FAERS. In preparation for the upcoming receipt of IND Safety Reports, FDA has posted the following documents regarding the electronic submission of certain investigational new drug applications (INDs) safety reports for drugs and biological products to FAERS. These documents are posted to help prepare systems for electronic submissions of IND safety reports.

Postmarketing Safety Reporting
Starting June 28, 2021, FDA is implementing a new mandatory regional data element for the electronic submission of ICSRs. The new regional data element, A.1.FDA.16 (FDA Safety Report Type), will distinguish the safety report type as IND Safety Reports, IND Exempt BA/BE Safety Reports, or Postmarketing Safety Reports.


お客さま 各位

1. すでにご承知かと思いますが、昨年末2020年12月18日に FDA ICH E2B(R2) EDI ICSR Specification: “Specifications for Preparing and Submitting Electronic ICSRs and ICSR Attachments” がv1.8に更新されました。これまで、新規ICH E2B(R3) Regulation でお知らせをしてきました、「各国個別規制要件(Regional Requirement Elements)」の FDA版 TAGsの中で、A.1.FDA.16 (FDA Safety Report Type)だけが、取り出されて 既存のFDA ICH E2B(R2)に追加で定義されました。


2. 今回の改訂 v1.8の追加項目で、「必須項目:Mandatoryは有るのか?」、あるとすれば、「何時から開始になるのか?」を FDA FAERS Teamに問い合わせを行いました。

その結果のメールでのやり取りを以下に示しますが、「A.1.FDA.16は、必須項目(Mandatory Item)であり、暫定的ではありますが「The tentative date in June 2021 but it could be changed」から開始予定となっています。
1) 現在、直接 FDAに対して EDI経由 ICH E2B(R2)で有害事象電子報告を行っておられるお客様は、利用中 PV System対応ベンダー様に一度お問い合わせ頂けましたらと思います。また、必要に応じてベンダー様から FDAへの規制要件変更の再確認をして頂けましたら幸いです。
a) Added a new regional data element A.1.FDA.16 (FDA Safety Report Type) in Table 2 Detailed Description of Administrative Tags  :  -> (new FDA Tagが追加されました)

                               A.1.FDA.16 1N

                                   1=IND Safety Report

                                   2=IND Exempt BA/BE Safety Report

                                   3=Postmarketing Safety Report

   b)Added section Submission Rules  :  -> (new FDA ICSR and ACK Specification ruleが記載されています)

   c) Added a new value to the data element B.4.k.1 and B.4.k.19 in section J Bioavailability/ Bioequivalence (BA/BE) Studies Not Conducted Under an IND :  -> (B.4.k.1 and B.4.k.19の値が追加されました)

—————————— ( from FDA FARES Team on 3-Feb-2021) ——————————————————————


The mandatory implementation is specifically on

Added a new regional data element A.1.FDA.16 (FDA Safety Report Type) in Table 2 Detailed Description of Administrative Tags
Added section Submission Rules

The tentative date in June 2021 but it could be changed.


“This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for use by the individual to whom they are addressed. Sharing of contents require mutual review and approval.”

From: hiro_atsumaru@hiropharmaconsulting.com <hiro_atsumaru@hiropharmaconsulting.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 5:37 AM
To: ‘FAERSESUB@fda.hhs.gov’ <FAERSESUB@fda.hhs.gov>
Subject: [FDA]

Dear FDA FAERS Team,

I am Hiro Atsumaru of HiroPharmaConsulting.

Could you please clarify following 2-Questions at the “Added a new regional data element A.1.FDA.16 (FDA Safety Report Type)” in the “Specifications for Preparing and Submitting Electronic ICSRs and ICSR Attachments”. If possible, kindly please reply answer by 28-Jan-2021(Thu).

Question-1: Is new “A.1.FDA.16 element” Mandatory for electronic submission? or Optional element?

Question-2: If Q-1 is yes, when is it started date?

Thanking in advanced.


Hiro Atsumaru (HiroPharmaConsulting)

Specifications for Preparing and Submitting Electronic ICSRs and ICSR Attachments

2020-12-1 v1.8

Added a new regional data element A.1.FDA.16 (FDA Safety Report Type) in Table 2 Detailed Description of Administrative Tags Added section Submission Rules Added a new value to the data element B.4.k.1 and B.4.k.19 in section J Bioavailability/ Bioequivalence (BA/BE) Studies Not Conducted Under an IND

A.1.FDA.16 1N

1=IND Safety Report

2=IND Exempt BA/BE Safety Report

3=Postmarketing Safety Report



Hirotsugu Atsumaru (Hiro)


Representative/ Senior Pharmacovigilance Consultant
Email: hiro_atsumaru@hiropharmaconsulting.com
M: +81-80-5699-3284
